A Painless Guide to Research Using Web 2.0 Tools
21st Century skills documents by various professional organizations have presented a complex challenge to teacher librarians to combine the teaching of inquiry and personal habits, critical and creative thinking. When the authors noted that a collaborative learning thread ran through all the skills documents, Web 2.0 technologies came to mind as a way to teach the research process and meet the areas of 21st century learning at the same time.
Price: $20.00
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In Command! Kids and Teens Build and Manage Their Own Informaiton Spaces, And...
Most school libraries have a web site or blog that provide a wealth of resources and links to information. However, young people may be saying, “We love you, library, but we love Google more.” This book and accompanying website takes a new approach in the battle to capture the attention and serve student needs: It asks each child and teen to construct their own home page using iGoogle, and construct three sections of their own information space.
Price: $28.00
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