Ban Those Bird Units!
Bird Units are fill-in-the-blank library assignments, or reports; the result of which is copying or outright plagiarism. This book provides ways to ban such low-level activities and replace them with exciting learning experiences and link the library and technology into achievement.
Price: $38.00
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Beyond bird units! Thinking and Understanding in Information-Rich and Technology-Rich Environments
The authors of the popular Ban Those Bird Units have joined their talents once more to provide more ways to create very high-level think units when teachers bring learning activities into the information-rich and technology-rich environment of the library.
Price: $38.00
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The Big Think: 9 Metacognative Stratagies That Make the End Just the Beginning of Learning
The Big Think introduces the same reflection strategies for both classroom teachers and teacher librarians. Here are nine strategies to use as we analyze “the game” – no, the learning activity, particularly when both the teacher and the classroom teacher have been struggling to improve teaching and learning.
Price: $38.00
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Build Your Own Information Literate School
According to David Loertscher this is the very best information literacy book to appear in years and is extremely useful and practical for elementary through high school because of its unique approach.
Price: $38.00
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Collection Development Using the Collection Mapping Technique
More than a decade ago, David Loertscher introduced the concept of collection mapping in two different books mostly to the audience of school librarians of the time. It received some attention at that time because it contained a simple method of dividing the collection into various segments that became a part of a visual representation of collection strengths and weaknesses. Much has happened in the last decade that has put into major question what it is libraries should own and what it should provide access to across a wide spectrum of information and for what types of devices.
Price: $33.00
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In Command! Kids and Teens Build and Manage Their Own Informaiton Spaces, And...
Most school libraries have a web site or blog that provide a wealth of resources and links to information. However, young people may be saying, “We love you, library, but we love Google more.” This book and accompanying website takes a new approach in the battle to capture the attention and serve student needs: It asks each child and teen to construct their own home page using iGoogle, and construct three sections of their own information space.
Price: $28.00
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The New Learning Commons Where Learners Win! Reinventing School Libraries and Computer Labs
Loertscher, Koechlin, and Zwaan team up in this book to rethink everything about the function and role of school libraries and computer labs. It is often a case of 180 degree reconsideration. What does this mean? The profession has been on a command and control model: If we build it, they will come. We build a website and expect students and teachers to use it on our terms. They Google, instead. We expect teachers to appreciate the collections we build. They want classroom collections. We open our doors during the school day. Our patrons want 24/7-365 service.
Price: $28.00
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Issues: Think Models for Collaborative Knowledge Building
Three of the most common topics covered in school curriculum involve people, places and issues. If teacher librarians could make a major difference in transforming bird units in just these three areas across the grade level, we would have established a major beachhead in our march toward the center of teaching and learning. In each of the three volumes, the authors have collected their best ideas from all they have written and built over the past ten years; have re-examined each example of a transformed learning experience.
Price: $38.00
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People: Think Models for Collaborative Knowledge Building
Three of the most common topics covered in school curriculum involve people, places and issues. If teacher librarians could make a major difference in transforming bird units in just these three areas across the grade level, we would have established a major beachhead in our march toward the center of teaching and learning. In each of the three volumes, the authors have collected their best ideas from all they have written and built over the past ten years; have re-examined each example of a transformed learning experience.
Price: $38.00
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Places: Think Models for Collaborative Knowledge Building
Three of the most common topics covered in school curriculum involve people, places and issues. If teacher librarians could make a major difference in transforming bird units in just these three areas across the grade level, we would have established a major beachhead in our march toward the center of teaching and learning. In each of the three volumes, the authors have collected their best ideas from all they have written and built over the past ten years; have re-examined each example of a transformed learning experience.
Price: $38.00
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